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  • 17/01/2019

    Works ok but has limitations like 20 min recordings max then simply stops until you set it going recording again. have to always remove the sd card to view recording on the pc as pc does not recognise it as a device so the usb is for charge only. It would have been better if you didnt have to keep removing the sd card and simply plug it into pc. There is a battery fitted internally (400mah) instructions say its good for 1.5 hours. So always make sure its charged up otherwise it could conk out half way through a recording. I got this to enable me to find my models when they crash somewhere and it should be decent enough for that so am happy enough. I like the general build of the device and packaging which includes the 2 av leads to connect up to your goggles and monitor I just use the one though as you can simply plug the same one into either input or output as and when you need to either record or playback.

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  • 28/01/2022

    produto muito bom, você pode gravar e reproduzir vídeos através do fone de ouvido, ele grava exatamente como a câmera vê, vem com um arranhão para pendurá-la no fone de ouvido, sem cartão SD MAX de 32 GB, sem cabo de carregamento USB 2.0 😔. A navegação e fácil de usar através da entrada de vídeo para fazer as configurações diretamente vistas no fone de ouvido. Os pontos fracos os botões de navegação são usados duro deve pressionar bastante e eles são muito pequenos, e também difícil de inserir e remover o cartão SD (não tenho unha 😅) para uma mulher será fácil. Estou muito feliz com isso.

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